“A concert for Saint Teresa” is the event organized by Verderame progetto cultura, LoveItaly and Live Aid, Sunday February 26th 2017 at 7.00 p.m., an evening event with music and art at the Church of Saint Pancrazio in Rome.
The event will allow to finish the restoration of the painting “The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa” by Palma il Giovane, dedicated to Saint Teresa of D’Avila.
The 100 % of the foundraising will be for the works realized in loco, because of the big size of the painting the works are realizing inside of the Church.
The guests are two important names of the Italian shows: the actresses Francesca Reggiani and Orsetta De Rossi.
During the evening event there will be the music of Trio Improvviso.
Love More – Music Without Barries collaborates for the event, it is a project of Giampiero Turco which try to gather young artisans and musicians with different ages and from different nationalities with the aim to allow them to works following their passions.
Reserve your seat with a minimum donation of 25.00 € and support the art, click here.
For information: ciao@loveitaly.org or 3384564479.
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